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EigenLayer Season 2 ETH Retroactive Restaking Earnings




Restaking Boost to ETH Staking Alone


This rewards calculator is for informational purposes only based on aggregated Season 2 stakedrop figures. The figures displayed are hypothetical and not applicable to any particular staker or operator. Not all stakers and operators will be eligible for the rewards indicated or to participate in the Season 2 stakedrop. Do not rely on these figures in taking any action with respect to EIGENs, ETH, and/or the EIgenLayer protocol. Figures used in the information displayed are subject to change, and they may contain errors. Certain fixed (non-dynamic) figures used in the calculations displayed will not be updated.Staking rewards are not guaranteed. By accessing and/or using the calculator, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Airdrop Terms and Conditions.